Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Trading Spaces

I heard recently that a reboot of the show Trading Spaces is coming back. It got me thinking about my work space. Where is your work space? Is it in the family room as you play a board game with your children? Is it in the car when you're running errands? Is it on your front porch or on a blanket lakeside? Maybe it's in a movie theater or at the dining room table where you read the newspaper?

Notice I didn't mention a desk in an office. The reason for this? A desk in an office might be an obvious choice for many occupations, but not ours! We chose to be writers, and many of us enjoy the seemingly reclusive nature of the work, but this job actually requires that we get ourselves out there and experience the world around us. As writers, we must be willing to trade spaces. How in the world can staring at a computer all day inspire creativity? We have to seek out our muse. We have to open ourselves up to the outside world and allow inspiration to flow in.

We're never quite sure where we'll find our muse. It could be in the sounds of the cappuccino maker at Starbucks. It could be in a line from a song blaring on the radio. It could be in a sculpture made from recycled materials at the art museum. It could even be found in a bushel basket of apples at the grocery store.

Now the question is, what do we do when we find our muse? More often then not, we'll find it at the most inopportune moments. We won't be able to sit down right then and there and write our story. Writing in the middle of the mall the day after Thanksgiving or on the merry-go-round at the county fair would definitely be a challenge!

I like to carry a small pocket notebook with me at all times. You can put a note in your smartphone. Whatever works for you. Just have something with you that allows you to quickly get that rough idea out so that you can have that treasure for later.

We go out into the world. We taste it, smell it, feel it, listen to it, see it, and we take notes. Bottom line, our work space consists of every space. We have to be willing to leave the comfy nest of our laptop. We must be willing to trade spaces!

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